SNB 2021 Schedule

Click on the image to download the most recent class schedule.


(1) 30-Minute Class Per Week – $50.00

(1) 45-Minute Class Per Week – $55.00

(1) 60-Minute Class Per Week – $60.00

(2) 60-Minute Classes Per Week – $115.00

(3) 60-Minute Classes Per Week – $150.00

(4) 60-Minute Classes Per Week – $190.00

(5) 60-Minute Classes Per Week – $225.00

(6) 60-minute Classes Per Week – $245.00

(7) 60-Minute Classes Per Week – $260.00


Over 7 classes per week is $8.00 per class!

For each 90-Minute Class add $15.00 monthly.


10% Discount for families with 2 students taking 3+ classes per week (off monthly bill)

15% Discount for families with 3+ students taking 3+ classes per week (off monthly bill)


Enjoy your child’s first dance class for FREE!

Ideal for ages 3 to 18, this trial class is the perfect way to discover the magic of movement!



$20.00 for 60-Minute Classes

$25.00 for 90-Minute Classes

Professional Dancer Drop-In Rate: $15





Creating Tiny Dancers

(Ages 3-6)

Creating Tiny Dancers is devoted to developing creativity in young children. This class is based upon the curriculum of the well-known Bay Area Master Teacher, Mary Joyce. Through many years of teaching experience, research has shown us that young children learn dance best when they begin to work with the overall general concepts at an early age as opposed to learning actual technical steps and positions. In this class, children will learn communication through movement, self-expression, and the four basic elements of dance: body, space (levels and floor patterns), force (soft, strong movement) and time (use of rhythms and musicality). The language of dance is movement and the instrument is the human body. Creating Tiny Dancers teaches young children skills that will be utilized throughout their lives.

Primary Ballet

Students will learn to stand in a poised manner utilizing some muscle strength to learn basic body conditioning. To use the body as a form of self-expression and communication to use spatial patterns (levels and patterns such as circles and straight lines.) To be aware of spacing relative to others and to perform movement to a defined musical phrase and to dance musically and rhythmically.

Ballet I

Students will learn Floor barre exercises that will teach basic alignment of the spine and correct muscle use. Standing barre exercises that will teach basic alignment of the spine and correct muscle use in the simple movement. Basic positions of the feet and arms with basic body direction. Basic movement of direction while traveling and in place. Body conditioning and strengthening exercises along with basic combinations of movements across the floor used for coordination, musicality, creativity and body conditioning. Including some basic ballet vocabulary.

Ballet II

Students will learn Floor barre exercises that will continue to be expanded from Level l teaching basic alignment of the spine and correct use. Standing Barre exercises that will continue to be expanded from Level l teaching basic alignment of the spine and correct muscle use. Standing Barre exercises that will continue to be expanded from Level l teaching basic alignment of the spine and correct muscle use in simple movement. More basic positions of the feet and arms and continued body direction work with expanded body movement direction work (traveling and in place). More advanced body conditioning and strengthening exercises with some stretching. Combinations of movement across the floor used for coordination, musicality, creativity and body conditioning at a more advanced level than the level before. A working knowledge of basic ballet vocabulary from both ballet levels.

Ballet III

Students will learn Standing Barre exercises that will continue to be expanded from the previous two Levels and utilizing the strength taught in the basic floor barre-teaching basic alignment of the spine and correct muscle use in simple movement and graduating to more complex movement. More positions of the feet, arms and head with more complex body direction work with weight change and musicality change. Expanded body movement direction work (traveling and in place). More advanced body conditioning, stretching and strengthening exercises. Combinations of movement across the floor used for coordination, musicality, creativity and body conditioning at a more advanced level than the level before. A working knowledge of basic ballet vocabulary from both ballet levels.

Ballet Level IV

Students will learn Standing Barre exercises that will continue to be expanded from the previous three Levels and utilizing the strength taught in the basic floor barre-teaching alignment of the spine and correct muscle use in simple and complex movement. More positions of the feet, arms, head and body levels with more complex body direction work. Expanded body movement direction work (traveling and in place) with weight change and musically changes (shading). More advanced body conditioning and stretching, and strengthening exercises. Combinations of complex movements across the floor used for coordination, musicality, creativity and body conditioning at a more advanced level than the level before. A working knowledge of basic ballet vocabulary and theory from prior levels.


Students will learn all theory of the previous levels with the addition of the knowledge and understanding of the summary of the entire theory of ballet. Standing Barre exercises in all positions with weight changes and direction changes that will continue to be expanded from the previous four Levels and continue advancing utilizing some level Vl and Vll work and include the strength taught in the basic floor barre-continuing to improve alignment of the spine and correct muscle use in complex movement. All positions of the feet, arms, head and body levels with advanced complex body direction work with quick weight changes and musicality change. Advanced body movement directions work (traveling and in place) in complex movement and complex musicality (including shading-quick musical changes).

Pre-Pointe/Pointe I

Students will learn some Floor Barre exercises that will help the proper use of the feet for Pointe. Standing Barre exercises that will focus on proper body alignment, use of weight and use of the feet and legs for Pointe. Some center of the floor stationary Pointe specific combinations using simple directions. Simple Pointe specific movement across the floor.

Pointe Level II/III

Students will learn standing Barre exercises that will focus on proper body alignment, use of weight and use of the feet and legs for pointe. Center of the floors Pointe specific combinations using complex directions. Advanced Pointe specific movement combinations across the floor incorporating direction change, musicality change, creativity and expression.

Pointe Variations

Students will learn well known solo variations from classical Ballet reparatory.

Boys Ballet

Boys will learn floor barre exercises that will teach basic alignment of the spine and correct muscle use. Standing Barre exercises that will teach basic alignment of the spine and correct muscle use in simple movement. Basic positions of the feet and arms with basic body direction. With special combinations created for boys.

Contemporary Ballet

Students will learn a contemporary style ballet warm-up. Stationary contemporary style direction work with contemporary style ballet movement combinations across the floor incorporating direction change, musicality change, weight change, creativity and expression.

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